Jumbie Jamboree


Jumbie Jamboree (D Re mayor)

Lord Invader 1953

It was a Jumbie Jamborie

Take place in a woodland cemetery

It was a Jumbie Jamborie

Take place in a Woodland cemetery

Zombies from all part of the island

Some of them was great calypsonian

Though the season was Carnival

They get together in bachannal

They singing...

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already

and hear they talking

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already



One female zombie just couldn't behave

See how she jumping out of the grave

In one hand she holding a quart  of rum

In the other she beating a bongo drum

The lead singer start to make his rhyme

The zombies rattling their bones in time

One bystander had this to say

Was a pleasure to see the zombies break away

and they singing

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already

and she singing

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already

Back to back, Belly to belly

Ah doh give a damn, a done dead already


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