Miss Tourist


Miss Tourist (D)



A tourist dame,


I met her the night she came


well she curiously asking about my country

                G                             D

She said I heard about bacchanal

                A7                           D

and the Trinidad carnival

                G                             D

So I come to jump in the fun

                                A7                           D

and ah want you tell me how it is done


ah say doo doo...


Coming down J'ouvert morning

Find yourself in a band

Watch the way how the natives moving

Hug up tight with a man

Sing along with the tunes they playing

and ah want to hear you shouting

Play mas bacchanal Miss Tourist

That is carnival


The following day

We went to Maracas bay

Every step we walk

She start this J'Ouvert talk

She said Kitch from what I've been told

Carnival is out of this world

Just the thought is worrying meh brain

So let me hear that lesson again


J'Ouvert morn, you swear is here she born

Holding hand jumping in a J'Ouvert band

When the rhythm hot up the pace she say play mass

and shaking she waist

Kitch please call Hotel Normandy and tell them

Doh leave no breakfast for me


She turn and say, Kitch

Ah now feel to break away

Come on man and grab me in front the band

Mama when she reach Independence square

She kick and raise she dress in the air

Calling bacchanal bacchanal

I am the queen of the carnival


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